JSD Clinic has been providing exceptional medical care for 5 Generations
Lymph Therapy &
Cell Rejuvenation Therapy
5 대 자생당의원 재활 물리치료 & 한의원
아프신 분들에게 귀인이 되어 드리겠습니다
자생당 자연의원 [혁신 의술]
[1] 질병이 오는 불변의 이치
활성산소( 발광산소, 발작산소 ROS - Reactive oxygen species)와 스트레스, 음식, 환경 문제 등 여러가지 이유로 인해서 산소 부족으로 인해서 피가 탁해지고, 염증 생성, 부종, 통증 세포가 늘어나게 되고, 혈관도 막히게 되고, 혈관이 막히면 모든 세포들이 산소와 영양소를 제대로 공급받지 못하고, 노폐물도 원활하게 제거 해 내지 못한다. 그러면 혈액 순환이 안 되면서 근육이 수축하면서 굳게 되고, 근육이 굳어지면서 24마디 척추 뼈가 점점 틀어지고 협착, 변형 되면서, 척추 뼈 속에 들어 있는 31쌍의 척수 신경, 근막과 뼈, 관절이 틀어지게 되고, 신경이 눌리거나 틀어져 오작동 되면서 각종 통증과 증상이 발생 되는 것이다. 즉 세포들의 아우성이 통증이고, 염증인것이고, 병에 걸린 것이라고 한다. 세포들을 잘 보살펴주어야 건강 해 지는 것이다.
1) 원인
우리가 음식을 섭취하면 섭취 한 데로 피는 만들어진다. 몸에 유익하지 않은 음식을 주로 섭취하면 피도 오염된 피가 만들어져 각 세포에게 오염된 피가 공급되어 세포들도 오염 될 것이고, 몸에 좋은 음식을 섭취하면 피도 좋은 피가 만들어져 각 세포들에게 좋은 피가 공급되어 세포들도 좋아 질 것이다. 즉 세포들이 잘 살게 되면서 제 역활을 충실하게 할 수 있는 것이다.
과로, 과식, 과색, 과음, 흡연 그리고 염분과 물 부족과 너무 편중된 영양소의 불균형으로 인해서 중성지방, 고지혈증, 고콜레스테롤, 활성산소들이 증가하면서 혈전 즉 피 찌꺼기들이 만들어져 혈관들이 점점 막히게 되고 힘줄과 인대들이 수축, 변형 되면서 뼈가 틀어지고 병이 발생된다.
각종 교통사고나 스포츠 외상 사고, 수술 후유증, 출산 후유증, 화학 약물이나 중독증, 나쁜 생활습관, 자세, 스트레스 등으로 인해서 활성산소 과다 발생, 혈전과 어혈이 정체되고 울혈되어 세포와 혈관이 막혀서 몸에 병이 걸리게 된다.
2) 대책 ( 예방과 치료 )
그 동안 살아오면서 넘치게 섭취했던 영양소들은 절대 줄여야 하고, 그 동안 부족하게 섭취한 영양소들은 보충 해 주어야 한다. 그래서 타는 영양소그룹 (단백질, 지방, 탄수화물)과 태우는 영양소 그룹(비타민, 미네랄, 식이섬유 효소)이 너무 치우치지 않도록 균형 잡힌 영양의 밸런스가 중요하다.
균형 잡힌 영양소를 음식으로 공급 해 주어야 하고, 좋은 물과 공기, 질 좋은 염분, 미네랄을 충분히 보충하고, 운동을 통해 많이 움직여 주어, 혈관이 막히지 않도록 규칙적으로 몸 관리를 해 주어야 한다. 과로, 과식, 과색, 과음, 흡연을 절제하는 좋은 생활습관과 바른 자세를 가져야 한다.
그리고 몸관리를 규칙적으로 림프 치료를 통해서 관리 해 주어야 한다. - 마치 자동차를 자주 정비해 주어야 좋듯이, 마치 방청소, 집청소를 자주 해 주어야 좋듯이, 매일 몸 단장 해 주어야 깔끔히 좋아 지듯이 - 우리 몸도 림프 치료로 몸 관리 해 줄때 세포들은 매우 즐거워 할 것이고 최대로 건강을 유지 하기 위해 힘쓸 것이다.
Cause #1: Misalignment of Spine and the Malfunction of Spinal Nerve System
The brain is the most important part of our body because it is the central command center that controls all the vital functions. The brain delegates its command through the spinal nerve system - 31 pairs of thick spinal nerve system are linked to the spine, to the major organs and to arms and legs. They control the body’s metabolism and circulation of Blood and Qi. However, with aging, over exertion of body, misalignment of spine due to bad posture, or sequelae of accidents, the spinal discs become narrower and compressed. In turn, the Stenosis triggers compression of muscles and tendons around the spine causing the spinal nerve system to malfunction.
Cause #2: Failures of Organs to do its part
The red blood cells live for 120 days and after the four months’ lifespan, they die leaving the dead “bodies” behind. In addition, there are five types of white blood cells. Except for Lymphocytes that tend to live longer than the others, the white blood cells’ lifespan vary from a few hours to several weeks. Then these dead blood cells are carried through the lymphatic system and during this process, toxins are removed from the blood cells and there, they are taken to the spleen. The spleen, a recycling plant of the body, sorts out iron, calcium, and waste materials to store the useful materials back into the body and discharges the wastes as urine, stool and vapor.
To compensate the loss of dead blood cells, the body makes new blood cells, and this process continues for one’s lifetime. However, when the spine becomes misaligned or compressed, the spinal nerve system malfunctions and gradually blood does not fully circulates to the organs, leaving them prone to bacteria/ virus attack(s) which eventually develops into full-blown disease(s).
Cause #3: Poor Blood Circulation
When body has an excessive amount of blood clots, it creates an ideal condition for micrococcuci (a type of round bacterium) to thrive. To fight back further increase of micrococcuci, the white blood cells” wrap” them in a cellulose form. This cuts micrococcuci from acquiring more blood clots as the clots are their main “food” source. This is called microphage interactions and it is body’s mechanism to protect itself from virus/ bacteria attacks. Usually these wrapped “lumps” are too big for the lymphatic system to process so they are left on the sites where the inflammation has occurred.

Signs you could identify with circulation problems:
Warts, moles, skin tags, wrinkles, age spots, freckles, pain on the areas, itchiness, goose bumps, stretch marks, ichthyosis, cold spots (such as cold feet and hands) aches, numbness, heaviness
The problem with this “wrapping” defense is that it only leaves the micrococcuci in a “temporary quarantine” state and when the capillaries get blocked with more and more of blood clots, cells become weaker and sicklier. Then the “wrapped” virus masses eventually break the white blood cells’ defensive cellulose layers and then they go directly to corrupt the lymphatic systems, the organs and tissues. These mutated viruses are called the cancer cells.
As you can see the excessive blood clots are the root causes for all diseases because they are the main food source for the micrococcuci that causes bacterial/ viral inflammation and organ damages.
Therefore, cleaning the virus ridden cells and blood clots and removing the hidden “virus lumps” from the body through the skin’s lymphatic system are the only method for curing diseases. In conjunction with “the cell cleaning”, we restore proper balances to the muscles and bones with Tuina massage, a unique bone adjusting technique, so that the organs can regenerate new blood in speedy manner. With this innovative and comprehensive treatment, your body will speedily recover its balance and harmony and return to the disease-free healthy state.
Causes #4: Mental Stress & Anger
When anyone is stressed, a large amount of Reactive oxygen species (ROS) is generated and the autonomic nervous system collapses. And When you are under stress, blood clots (dead bodies of both white and red blood cells) get easily congested. Eventually these blood clots hinder proper circulation of blood, and blocks capillaries. If the capillaries become clogged, blood cells frequently collide with each other and this hardens the muscles. And if the muscles get hardened, the spine becomes twisted or compressed to that side and then the spinal nerves that are inside the bones become compressed as well. This opens a door to scores of new diseases because when a bacterial/ viral inflammation occurs, the nerve system cannot transmit that information to the brain on time, leaving the body susceptible to rampant spread of inflammatory cells.
This is why Misalignment of the Spine, Malfunction of the Spinal Nerve System, and Poor circulation of Blood and Chi cause numerous disorders in the body.
Our innovative medical care can help the blood and Qi circulate vigorously. Well- flowing blood and Qi can naturally treat all kinds of disorders and will restore the balance between Yin and Yang.
Renew your body and mind!
Poor diet, unhealthy lifestyle, poor posture, unexpected accidents, and stress & aging cause imbalances among Wind, Phlegm, Dampness, Cold and Heat. Their deficiency and excess create toxins and blood clots in the body and our innovative care is designed to clear out those waste materials from the meridian & lymphatic systems to restore full circulation of Qi & Blood and hormonal production to normal state.
Think your body as a house. If the house is old, its sewage pipes are also clogged and narrowed and therefore they would not drain properly. The same goes to your arteries, veins, and capillaries as when they are clogged with blood clots, blood cannot circulate freely. The Lymphatic System, Thyroids, and spleen are the cleaners of your body that sort out the reusable minerals and calcium from the blood clots and send out the waste to urine and stool. However, when they are overloaded with sticky blood clots, they cannot function properly. The results of these are:
Skin problems? blemishes, age spots, wrinkled & sagging skin and stretch marks
Disease prone aging cells- Strong/age associated body odor
Stiff joints- stiff neck, arms, legs, waist, and knee joints
Five Benefits of JSD Clinic’s Innovative Care:
Purify blood - Promotes Vigorous Circulation of Qi & Blood
Cleanse blood- Cleanse blood and all levels of blood vessels
Hormone Production- Induce production of hormones
Increasing vitality- Increases vitality and energy
Natural Healing: Naturally aids body to recover its own vitality
JSD Clinic’s Innovative Therapy
경추(목 디스크) 통증, 두통, 편두통,
턱관절, 편도선, 기관지, 기침, 천식, 인후염
견비통(오십견), 목과 어깨 통증, 요통
허리 디스크 (좌골 신경통)
발목, 무릎 관절통, 염좌 (삔 것)
팔꿈치, 손목 통증(골프 엘보, 테니스 엘보, 손목, 손가락 관절)
족저근막염, 아킬레스 건 통증, 섬유 근육통
심장병, 숨 가쁨, 가슴 답답, 협심증
각종 교통사고 후유증 및 운동 후유증
중풍 후유증, 신장병, 간장병, 만성 피로
통풍, 관절염(류마티스 관절염) 및 급성 만성통증, 수족저림, 냉증
각종 자가면역 신진대사 병, 불면증, 위장병, 치매
비염, 축농증, 여드름, 건선, 피부병, 파킨슨
고지혈증, 고 콜레스테롤, 고혈압, 당뇨병, 암
갑상선, 전립선, 불임증, 정력 증진
피부 미용, 몸 냄새
성장기 자녀 성장통, 척추 측만증
임산부 출산 관리, 가족 패키지 주치 관리
오장육부병, 고질병
안과 질병 , 치주염, 풍치 등 치과 질병

Treatable Diseases and Conditions:
Many kinds of acute and chronic, intractable myofascial pain can be treated with therapy, such as;
Complex regional pain syndrome, also known as reflex sympathetic dystrophy or RSD
Back pain, Muscle pain, Headaches and migraines
Disorders of blood flow in the upper and lower limbs
Arthritis, Temporomandibular joint (TMJ) syndrome (which affects the jaw)
Disorders of the nervous system, such as diabetic neuropathy
Pain and ulcers of the skin resulting from poor circulation or scleroderma (a chronic condition that can cause thickening or hardening of the skin)
also acute, chronic pain suppression, edema inhibition, inflammatory cell inhibition, metabolic smoothness, limb paralysis, hemiplegia, facial paralysis, Burns, peripheral vascular diseases, wound tissue regeneration promotion
The neurological diseases, insomnia, depression, anxiety, panic disorder, helplessness, chronic fatigue
Fractures, sprains, skin regeneration promotion, skin ulcers, bruises, traffic accident aftereffects, muscle pull, trauma treatment, the nerve function control, arthritis, wrist tunnel, Cervical thoracic lumbar pain, sciatic nerve pain, disc, Alzheimer's dementia, Parkinson's syndrome, stroke aftereffects, dialysis, Kidney stones, Asthma,
Irritable bowel syndrome, Disc injuries,
Fibromyalgia, Neuromas (overgrowth and scarring to a nerve after an injury),Tendinopathy (inflammation and/or swelling of the tendon), Acute (sudden) and chronic (long-term) musculoskeletal injuries,
Acute and chronic neuropathic (nerve) pain,
Chronic fracture and bone pain,
Torticollis (the head is tilted to one side),
Disc injuries / discogenic- and facet-based pain,
Viscerally-referred pain, Plantar fasciitis (pain in the heel and foot), and etc.
Advantages of Treatment:
Radical Treatment of Acute and Chronic Pain: Through neuropathic treatment and release of shortened muscles.
Save Treatment Time: Only 1 treatment instead of 5 treatments in a week.
Reduce Total Treatment Time: Several treatments lead to satisfactory results except for some interactable cases.
Save Treatment Cost: one treatment in a week.