Practicing 5 Generations
About JSD Clinic
J S D Physio - Rehab & Acupuncture
5 대 자생당의원 재활 물리치료 & 한의원
아프신 분들에게 귀인이 되어 드리겠습니다
Lee's family is from South Korea. He has been passed down 6th Generations of knowledge of traditional natural treatment (including universal spirit philosophy, geomancy, reiki, bone therapy, Qigong, acupuncture, herbology, and tuina). He inherited natural healing clinics that had been very famous for treating gynecology disease, internal disease, and Ophthalmology from South Korea. His son and daughter are also fifth-generation Physical Therapist and RAc., RTCMP. His brother is also running the Natural Wellness Center in Queens, New York.
Lee established JSD Physio - Rehab & Acupuncture in Toronto and has been helping people around the area. He is known for his diligent work ethic and his extraordinary healing skills. JSD Clinic has been passed down for five generations and will be continued.
He has established a Holistic college for future practitioners in Canada. He is a member of the Canadian Ophthalmological Society and a US alternative medicine member. He is an inventor of new innovative treatment with a Trademark from the Canadian Federal government and leads Canadian and US natural medicine organizations.
After years of treating patients at JSD Clinic, observed the limitations in treating modern diseases given such drastic environmental and cultural changes in recent years. He has dedicated his life to innovating Korean traditional treatment.
Our lifestyle choices today for food, drinks, and activities have changed significantly compared to the past. The level of stress on our bodies and minds is also more intense. The diseases have been evolving along with our lifestyle, but many traditional treatment techniques are stuck in the past.
For example, traditional treatment (Acupuncture, cupping, Moxi) was developed when there was no electricity or computer, but the technique is still being used throughout the developed world. The environment for medicinal herbs has also changed along with certain techniques and tools. It feels like wearing an old costume with neckties and dress shoes.
We feel that old fashioned way of traditional treatment would not be able to catch up the new revolutionized disease. With tremendous effort to innovate the treatment with combination of traditional and modern treatment, we now have invented innovative treatment. We have Trademark from Canadian government on the treatments and as well as on the equipment.
Also, Allen Lee from JSD Clinic dedicated his life in improving traditional medicine.
Welcome to JSD Clinic

The Comprehensive and Innovative Care We Offer at JSD Clinic
Lymph Massage Therapy, Acupuncture, Cupping, Physiotherapy, Neuromuscular Therapy, Tuina Therapy, Natural Herbal Medicine, Skin Scraping, Self-healing Exercise Coaching.
근육에 상처를 받으면 근육은 자신을 보호하기 위하여 수축을 하게 됩니다. 근육이 수축하면 혈류량이 줄어드는 결과가 되어 드디어 산소의 양도 줄고, 영양소의 양도 줄게 됩니다. 뿐만 아니라 노폐물은 배설되지 않고 쌓이게 됩니다. 이것이 바로 근육에서 통증이 일어나는 이유입니다. 피부질환의 치유에도 사용되는 이유는 간단하게 여드름, 아토피 그리고 검버섯 등이 나온 부위는 전기저항이 높아 부도체(=전기저항이 높아 전류가 흐르지 않는 물체)가 되어 산소공급을 제대로 받지 못해 피부의 질서(Skin Disorder)가 무너져 발생하는 질병입니다.
그래서 마사지로 풀지 못하는 피부질환을 가볍게 생체전류를 인체에 흘려주면 빠른 시간 안에 해결을 할 수가 있는 것입니다. 생체전기를 잘 활용하는 방법을 통하여 인간이 손으로 해결하지 못하는 것 또는 손으로만 하기에는 너무나 힘든 과정 생체전기 자극을 통해 풀어 나갈 수 있습니다. 출생 시 5~6볼트 이지만 나이가 들면 그 절반 정도로 떨어지고 그 생체전기가 다하면 결국 사망에 이르게 되는 것입니다. 생체전기를 잘 흘려주기 위해서는 어느 정도 생체전기에 대해 알고 잘 결합이 된다면 인류건강의 증진에 또 하나의 금자탑을 이루지 않을까 생각을 합니다.
생체가 가지고 있는 고유한 전기는 진통제 입니다.
생체전기 치료(Biometric current therapy)가 통증을 치료하는 기전을 살펴보면 양자파는 인체가 가지고 있는 고유의 전류와 아주 비슷하기 때문에 인체 고유의 전류를 보충하는 역할을 하게 됩니다. 따라서 상처를 받은 조직은 전류의 양이 다시 많아지게 되고 전기 저항도 감소하고, 그래서 다시 본래의 상태로 복귀하게 되는 것입니다. 이것을 생화학적 측면에서 살펴보면 다음과 같습니다.
(1) 생체전기는 ATP를 500%나 증가시킵니다.
(2) 생체전기는 단백질 합성을 촉진합니다.
(3) 생체전기는 세포막의 투과성을 40% 증가시킵니다.
(4) 생체전기는 DNA의 합성을 촉진합니다.
(5) 생체전기는 T-임파구의 활성을 촉진합니다.
What history and principle are treated With Lymph Therapy?
Lymph therapy is an innovative treatment technique that combines the Biometric current principle, traditional oriental medicine, and modern science into the lymph system.
Lymph therapy is a safe, drug-free treatment option for people in pain. It is used to treat some chronic pain and acute pain conditions. It relieves pain by blocking pain messages to the brain. When you are injured, pain receptors send a message to the central nervous system (the brain and spinal cord). The therapy is registered as pain by certain cells in the body.
Lymph therapy relieves pain by interrupting pain signals before they reach the brain. Also prompts the body to produce endorphins which help to relieve pain. And increases the energy source in the cell, ATP, by 500 %, to control pain, inflammation, edema, and so on.
The treatment using Biometric current was first used by American and European doctors in 1980 to promote the treatment of wounded athletes and to treat broken bones.
In 1991, German cell physiologists Erwin Neher and Dr. Bert Sakmann received the Nobel Prize in Physiology for their discovery of single ion channel function in cells. There is biological current in our body, and it plays an important role in maintaining healthy skin and muscles, but it naturally dissipates as we age, speeding up skin aging and dying.
What Happens During Lymph therapy?
This Lymph therapy is completely different from conventional high frequency, mid-low, low-frequency.
Lymph therapy is an innovative treatment technique that combines the Biometric current principle, traditional oriental medicine, and modern science into the lymph system.
This Lymph therapy comes through the hands of the therapist or patient self for a relaxing and effective technique.
With listening hands, I am able to feel subtle differences in the channels of flow in the body, and I am able to feel where these channels are blocked and hopefully get to the root of the problem. Pain is usually do to a blockage in the channel or meridian- and improving the circulation and flow will improve the symptoms.
A tingling sensation from the Lymph therapy will be felt locally and may radiate all the way down the channels- transmitting Qi where the body needs it to help the healing process and releasing stagnant energy.
The Biometric current move through the skin quickly with little discomfort. During treatment, your response to the Biometric current is measured.
When Lymph therapy is applied, a mild vibrating, tingling sensation is common.
Patients who lack salt and moisture in their bodies a mild vibrating, tingling sensation is common. This sensation should not be uncomfortable; you should feel a relaxing, soothing pain relief.
As the Biometric current are applied, you will provide verbal feedback to the clinician. If the sensation becomes too strong, please tell the clinician right away so the treatment can be adjusted. You should be comfortable and enjoy the treatment, which lasts about 20 minutes.
What Are the Side Effects of Lymph therapy?
In rare cases, skin irritation and redness can occur under the Biometric current during lymph therapy. No side effects, but it can occur when the skin is weak, and in this case, it is calmed down by applying aroma oil and moisture cream.
and, If you are hungry, you may be uncomfortable or dizzy, so do not treat when you are hungry.
How Often Should I Get Lymph therapy?
The number of lymph therapy sessions required depends on each person's condition and response to treatment.
lymph therapy techniques using Biometric current will be the effective treatment for wound, muscle aches and neuropathic pain.
Most acute pain disappears within three minutes and remains up to eight hours, lasting up to three weeks.
In the case of chronic pain, the effect can be maximized by continuous treatment.
There are many articles that stimulate the scalp to alleviate anxiety, depression, and insomnia, alleviate postpartum analgesics in mothers,, increase elastin fiber in the skin by 45%, increase collagen thickness by 10%, and increase the number of blood vessels by 35%.
neck and shoulder pain caused by stress.
arms and legs injured in exercise
a sagging jaw, eyelids and face
fat-rich arms, abdomen, hips, and thighs.
Those who have difficulty because they have no power in their lower body
Those who are sore and sick all day long and rely on painkillers
I highly recommend it to those who use computers or mobile phones for a long time.
It will be faster and better if you have active rehabilitation treatment with patient's lifestyle, nutritional status, psychology, stress level, active, patient, positive faith.
Most of them are satisfied with 10 to 50 treatments.
This treatment can be done every day. One treatment usually takes 15 to 30 minutes.
It is safe, easy, convenient and effective. Just as cars can be an antique car if they are well managed, if our body is managed frequently with therapy, we can prevent disease and live long life.
Lymph therapy for whole body:
Using Biometric current, Pressure on the bones, muscles, joints and nerves is relieved. The release of tension once the body has responded to the therapy allows more functional flexibility and mobility of the muscles, fascia and associated structures.
Lymph therapy the Biometric current travels through the therapist’s fingertips via a relaxing hands on therapy or patient self to treat nerve and muscle pain, inflammation, migraines, and digestive disorders.
also offers state-of-the-art Biometric current treatment as a drug-free option for pain control and relief, non-invasive, non-toxic, safe and effective.
Our goal is to help guide Patients back to a centred, pain free, joyful and present stay of being.
Off-Site Services Programs
Workplace Wellness Solutions
Traditional Programs
Assessment Services Programs
Practitioners' Qualification
Pain Management Specialist
PT (Physiotherapy)
DC (Doctor of Chiropractor)
HP (Holistic Practitioner)
AMP (Alternative Medical Practitioner)
RMT (Registered Massage Therapy)
LTP (Lymph Therapy Practitioner)
R.Ac (Registered Acupuncture)
R.TCMP (Registered Traditional Chinese Medicine Practitioner)